Here recently, I have had several friends and even a few clients have their furry companion cross the rainbow bridge.
This got me thinking of my own pets and their creep into “old age”, soon I too will be facing the crossing of the bridge with my own furry loves.
Our companions are only here with us a short while compared to the time we are on this earth, yet they give us so much during that short time. They are our companions in every way, there to greet us in the morning or when we get home, to snuggle us when we don’t feel well, join in our adventures, even to lick a tear or two when we are sad.
We are extremely blessed to have such devoted companions in our lives, whether they are furry, feathered, scaly, or even slimy.
My heart goes out to each and every one of you who have had to take that trip to the beginning of the rainbow bridge and walk back alone. Yet while not one of our babies can be replaced, another little love is sitting in that shelter dreaming of seeing your face and receiving your love.
So today, and well every day really, I encourage you to snuggle that little love a bit more, go ahead and give them that extra treat, or even find them a new friend to play with!
Love and treats to everyone!